A new study reveals how the frequency of your bowel movements could be an important indicator of your long-term health. Infrequent poopers showed signs of decreased kidney function, while those who went more often than average exhibited signs of impaired liver function. Listen in this week as Dee explains why the type and frequency of your bowel movements can affect your health well beyond the gut.


Johnson-Martínez, J. P., Diener, C., Levine, A. E., Wilmanski, T., Suskind, D. L., Ralevski, A., Hadlock, J., Magis, A. T., Hood, L., Rappaport, N., & Gibbons, S. M. (2024). Aberrant bowel movement frequencies coincide with increased microbe-derived blood metabolites associated with reduced organ function. Cell Reports Medicine, 5(7), 101646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101646